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  4. How do I know my file is secure?

How do I know my file is secure?

Vault works by automatically encrypting data you place in your Vault folder and storing that data in your Local folder. This article provides steps to ensure Vault is encrypting your data and keeping it secure.

When you are logged into the XQ Vault, you will have access to two folders on your local machine:

  • Connected folder – This is the folder you drag and drop files into when you are using Vault to encrypt data. This can be a local folder, a Google Drive folder, or a Microsoft OneDrive folder. This folder works by sending your files to the Vault and then sending your encrypted file to your target folder as a .xqf file.
  • Vault folder – This is the folder where your secure .xqf files are stored on your machine. The files in this folder are encrypted.

To test that Vault is securing your data, use the following steps:

  1. Log in to your Vault application and connect to either a Local folderGoogle Drive folder, or Microsoft OneDrive folder.
  2. From the Vault application, open your Connected folder.
  3. Drag and drop a file into your Connect folder.
  4. Log out of the Vault application and open Finder (macOS users) or File Explorer (Windows users).
  5. Locate your Vault folder on your machine and try to open one of the stored .xqf files using any application your machine.

The file may open in another application, but the data is encrypted and cannot be read. This indicates that your data is secure.

Updated on February 26, 2024
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