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  4. How to Revoke Access to a Message or a File in the Dashboard

How to Revoke Access to a Message or a File in the Dashboard

Using the XQ Dashboard, you can revoke access to previously sent messages or files. Revoking a message or a file makes it unrecoverable for you and all recipients.

  1. Go to the XQ dashboard and log in. Click on Communications, scroll down the map and select the email or file you want to revoke access to.
  1. You can revoke access to all recipients at once by clicking REVOKE ALL or revoke access to specific recipients in the Recipients tab by clicking REVOKE next to their email. Click CONFIRM DELETE in the pop-up window.
  1. If you revoke access to all recipients, the message or file will no longer be available to anyone and the status will change from Available to Revoked. 
  1. As a final note, in the Policy Manager you can restrict access to certain locations or IPs. 
Updated on February 26, 2024
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